The core of radionics is viewing your body as an entity that has a subtle energy field which works to sustain and vitalize your body. This field is susceptible to getting weaker due to both external and internal factors (stress/pollution), with the weakening of the field one may also start to experience their physical body weakening along with it. To prevent and alleviate the physical and emotional disease within the body that is caused by this weakness, radionics effectively identifies the weakness in your energy field and corrects it.
Radionics is based on the principle that everything in nature,
even substances that do not move, gives off energy as a vibration.
If a foreign substance enters the human body, its vibrations may have an
irritating or destructive effect on the tissue next to it. This irritation may
produce a variety of symptoms but instead of treating those symptoms,
the effective cure is to remove the offender and strengthen all systems.
And since the problem is the vibration, the most effective treatment is to correct the vibration.
We test this energy (your DNA) by testing your hair, blood spot or most commonly by testing your
saliva . We test all the systems of your body to determine what is performing at an increased
rate (hyper-), what is performing at a slower rate (hypo-), and what is at a normal rate (normal). Based on the information, we can determine what kind of treatment would work best to remedy the malady.
Based on this knowledge, electronic homeopathy does not depend on the response of cells alone. It focuses on the invader itself. To do this, electronic homeopathy uses electronically induced vibrations to change the destructive character of the invader. It is able to do this because, like everything else in nature, the invader has its own inherent toxic vibration. And just like regular Homeopathy, in electronic homeopathy the electronic values used are infinitesimal. This enables the cells and tissues to respond naturally and normally without shock or irritation to the rest of the body, because it is being restored and rejuvenated at the cellular level and the immune system has more strength to fight off the invaders.
Relieves stress and strain on the body
Enables the body to fight off invaders and toxins by natural elimination
Removes the invader and strengthens all systems
Homoeopaths use the word `stuck’ when talking about their cases, and another way of looking at the problem is to find out where the energy is stuck. In case-taking we have the verbal description by the patient to guide us; in radionic analysis we use most advance Bio resonance machines to locate the points where the energy is blocked. Anything which impedes energy flow impedes health; the primary objective therefore is to identify and clear blocks in the subtle energy system first and foremost, whether these are caused by conflicts within the patient’s personality or by external factors. Obviously in many cases there will be limitations as to what can be achieved because of complex pre-existing health conditions.
In homeopathic prescribing the remedy is given orally, whereas in radionics, remedies are imprinted on blank remedies or broadcast the treatment. Thus the patient may be on the other side of the world and may be treated with the same degree of efficacy as the patient in the next room.

Electro Homeopathy
Electro Homoeopathy is a plant-orientated system of herbal medicine. The Electro Homoeopathic remedies purify the lymph and blood systems of the human body.
Electro Homoeopathy has four fundamental laws:
Law of Similar - Complex Complexis Curantur
Complex remedies - Combinations
Infinitesimal Dose - Diluted form of positive and negative dose
Selection of remedy -Temperament of the patient i.e. lymphatic, sanguine, mixed or nervous
This means that a complex body requires a complex mixture. For example, the human body is classed as compact and is therefore complex. So when disease occurs in the body, more than one part is involved. Diseases can produce many symptoms and therefore complex medicine is required to work on the complex disease.
Electro Homoeopathic remedies work on the principle that diseased organisms are far more sensitive than healthy organisms and change the condition of the bodily fluids. A remedy should not be given to remove the symptoms of the body but to work on the cause of the disease.
Electro Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that draws all of its remedies from non-poisonous plants. It does not use sources from the mineral or animal kingdom.
Their special form of preparation provides the essences with dynamics that are able to activate or trigger the healing process. The medicines have been 'programmed' with the principles of life, and thus do not only convey the plant's curative properties, but also provide our organism with the 'program' on how to use it for healing or restoration of health. Spagyric essences are some of the few medicines that are able to activate or support the body's self-regulating potential. They won't suppress the body's natural defense mechanism, but rather supporting it in order to regain its normal balance. This is how they help to overcome ailments rather than suppressing it.

Chronic diseases are the result of different “traumata” generated by different factors such as electro-smog, eating the wrong food, drinking to little or "unhealthy", contaminated water, accumulation of acidic substances and toxins in our tissues, infections with different bacteria and microbes, all triggering anaerobe processes and causing disturbances within our body up to a total collapse of the ATP metabolism, which results in cancer and usually death. These changes at the cell level of our body are the mirror of the negative transformations in one's energetic and informational level (subtle level).
The matter follows our thoughts or our thoughts and beliefs are structured by energy!
By relaxing and meditating, we can deal with negative emotions (thoughts), calm our hyper-active, restless minds, remove and replace negativity by positive energies. Thus our vegetative neural system relaxes, blood circulation gets better, we tune in and connect better to the natural Super-Tunes and other surrounding energies of our environment (geomagnetic, Schumann) and we are getting healthier. This is not new knowledge! For millennia ancient healers and shamans all around the world have recognized those principles and have used them for healing. In their healing sessions those ancient healers always try to reconnect their patients with the universal energies by using colors or visualization, sounds such as music or enchanting, signs and languages, relaxation techniques.
The Color SuperTuning System does the same using the most advanced technology! By getting our bodies in-tune with those frequencies we get or remain healthy.
Weather sensitivity is a result of the overlapping of super-tunes with some other frequencies generated by climate at a due time, called CD SFERICS. These sferics have frequencies at the edge of super-tunes and can therefore interfere and disturb the balance of our bodies.
The Super-Tunes frequencies are also connected to the chakra system:
* Chakra 1 connect to note g and color red = super-tune for earth day (energizing, creation, development)
* Chakra 4 connect to note cis, color turquoise = super-tune earth year (sedation, dissolution, liquidation, relaxing)
* Chakra 7 for note f, color violet = super-tune earth precession (Holistic, eternal play of the first two super-tunes).
* Another important super-tune is the one attributed to the moon for a rotation around the earth in 29.53 days. This correspond to a new super-tune called “Synodic moon”, note gis, color orange, Chakra 2; it regulates all biological processes based on body fluid(lymphatic system) and emotions (sexuality, fertility).
* The sun has no rotation movement (it is a star), however a theoretical super-tune can be calculated and this corresponds to note h, yellow-green. This is close to 7.5 Hz, interestingly a vital frequency for all cells communication. Close to this frequency are also found all Schumann frequencies or so called super-tunes of the ionosphere.
* There are also super-tunes for other neighbouring planets like Mercury (color blue, note d, Chakra 5), or for our galaxy Milky Way (color indigo, note dis, connecting with all Chakras); however their influence on biological systems is rather low. Usually super-tuning devices are working with 12 super tunes.
Color SuperTuning System scans the existing disharmonies of the body and re-balances these by using those 12 Super-Tunes. This is a holistic system to rebalance and restore the harmony to body, with no side effects. With the SuperTuning System our bodies are reconnected to the universal frequencies and our immune system can trigger and operate all vital healing processes!
The healing process using Color SuperTuning is divided into two distinct steps:
1. Analysis and identification of the problems (scanning)
2. Balancing to restore harmony
Analysis: The patient is scanned using the MAX Hand Applicators or a DNA probe (blood, hair). The imbalances are analyzed at a physical, mental and spiritual level. At the same time the system precisely determines the spagyric formula that is recommended to support the therapy. In a second step the analysis targets the psychosomatic, energetic and regulatory levels. The bio-triggers (Super-Tunes) are shown on the display in different colours, shows exactly which parts of the body require harmonization or also called balancing.
Balancing/Therapy: These are targeted regulative steps to
optimize the health of the patient by enabling him to recouple
with the Super-Tunes. During the balancing process the body is
re-integrated in the healthy field, the final healing will be achieved
by the body itself. For this step the hand applicators (MAX),
the spagyrics, a coordinated light treatment using the Colorlab
high power LED is used. The synchronization of both brain
hemi-spheres is triggered and thus a better opening of the body
to a very relaxed state is achieved through the use of sound at
4Hz (specific for a theta deep meditation state). The immune
system is strengthen and activated especially when different
coherent colours are applied additionally. For each super tuning
color there are 8 different sound files according to Hemi-sync
technology (so called binaural-beats).Every one of these sound files is exactly 20 seconds long and operates with fades.